Since the 1450's the Bible has remained unchanged. Yes, the word of God is unchanging, and must be vigilently defended and kept. But that is not what I am talking about.
Since Gutenberg invented the printing press and printed his first Bible five and a half centuries have passed and our Bibles have not changed in format.
I propose that those of us serious about the Bible and what it contains enter the 21st century.
Be sure to check out Glo "a better Bible."

Glo will be in retail stores on October 15, 2009. I have ordered it and post a review after I receive it and have a chance to look it over.
Sure its not cheap.
Don't make me start off on what you spend on meals, and movies, and clothes, and . . .
And it turns out to be only about what you pay for a leather bound Bible you set on the shelf in you library anyway.
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