What is the sound of one neuron firing?
(CNN) -- Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday.
On the one hand we have an individual expressing his Bill of Rights guaranteed activity to burn a book. On the other you have government representatives condemning the destruction of a "holy" book, while at the same time officially destroying another "holy" book.
If the US government had destroyed a box of Korans as they had the Bibles-What do you think the reaction throughout all of the Moslem world would have been?
One book responsible for the rise of all modern society, civilization, and technology of the Western world. The other book responsible for the imprisonment of millions in a "civilization" barely more advanced than the stone age. A civilization which calls for the stoning of women who have been raped -by their own family. And the genital mutilation of small girls to insure they never are able to experience sexual "pleasure."
On one hand is a book promoting world peace and tolerance. On the other a book promoting intolerance and world conquest by the sword to enforce submission to its mandates.
On one hand a book gifted by God to bring peace and reconciliation with Him. On the other hand what is most likely the most evil book ever conceived by Satan.
In all of this why am I not surprised at the continued antipathy toward the Bible and Christianity by Democrats, socialists and liberals in the United States? (yes, I do know those three terms are functionally synonymous)