For close to 30 years I have been telling people that if they have a question about religion- the answer is most likely going to be found in the book of Romans. It is the defining book on Christianity and is, according to Luther, "a short summary of the whole of Christian and evangelical doctrine" that also provides "an access to the whole of the Old Testament"
See what else Martin Luther has to say in this excerpt from the preface to his commentary on Romans:
This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament. It is purest Gospel. It is well worth a Christian's while not only to memorize it word for word but also to occupy himself with it daily, as though it were the daily bread of the soul. It is impossible to read or to meditate on this letter too much or too well. The more one deals with it, the more precious it becomes and the better it tastes. Therefore I want to carry out my service and, with this preface, provide an introduction to the letter, insofar as God gives me the ability, so that every one can gain the fullest possible understanding of it. Up to now it has been darkened by glosses [explanatory notes and comments which accompany a text] and by many a useless comment, but it is in itself a bright light, almost bright enough to illumine the entire Scripture.(1)
"Memorize it word for word." To make such a statement today would be looked upon as foolishness. "Everyone knows" that is just too much for someone to commit to memory.
How about simply reading the book through? Is that too much? Yet, how many who call themselves "Christian" in this country have read the entire book of Romans? Is it any wonder there is so little understanding of the true gospel?
From the very opening where Luther finally found peace with God and opened the door to what we now know as the Refomation. (
Rom.1:16-7) On through the "Roman Road" that has been used to lead thousands to salvation. (
10) Then giving us the surest promise to save and secure from the judgment we know is coming. (
Rom. 8:1) Romans is the truly unique book of knowledge.
Read it yourself. Do yourself a favor.
1 source Christian Classics Ethereal Library