Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christless Christianity?

      "What happens when we take Christ out of Christianity?"
Author Michael Horton, Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology, has explored that question in his new book "Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church."

      At his website for the book he gives a 5 minute introduction to its message. You can also download the first chapter for a further glimpse.

      From the website,
"Christians have always had their differences, but never in church history have there been so many statistics indicating that many Christians today are practicing what can only be described as "Christless Christianity."

Christless Christianity guides the reader to a greater understanding of a big problem within the American religious setting, namely the creeping fog of countless sermons in churches across the country that focus on moralistic concerns and personal transformation rather than the theology of the cross.

Michael Horton's analysis of the contemporary church points believers back to the power of a gospel that should never be assumed."

      Check out this especially pertinent warning to the church.

p.s. Do Not miss the link to Horton's article in Modern Reformation linked in the side bar

h/t Phil Johnson

Monday, November 24, 2008

What Is New Age?

The answer to that is multiple choice. Pick a person - get an answer.

Phil Johnson of Pyromaniacs has written an excellent article explaining the New Age "Movement."
Check out this article if you have friends that are into crystals, UFO's, meditation or any of the other so-called "new" spiritual ideas going around.

From the article:
"The New Age movement is a diverse and eclectic approach to spirituality that stresses individual self-exploration through a variety of beliefs and practices borrowed from a wide array of extrabiblical sources and non-Christian belief systems, ranging from astrology to eastern mysticism to science fiction, and beyond."

Read here, "What's So New About the New Age Movement?-Why Christians need to remain on guard against the threat of New Age spirituality"

update: Part 2

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


If you were born after 1972, 1/3 of your generation has been killed by abortion in America! You should consider yourself a Survivor of the Abortion Holocaust.

The horror!

America has recently elected the most actively pro-Abortion President in history. This man has voted to kill babies both in the womb and after delivery (surviving a botched abortion). He has gone so far as to announce his first act as president will be to sweep aside any remaining hindrances to this abomination.What hindrances?!?

The murderers from Planned Parenthood can continue to carry out their evil plans. These butchers can prey on helpless girls 13, 14 (actually even younger) telling them they are their "friend" and there to "help" them. Without getting your consent, they can secret these babies out of school, even across state lines to an abortionist TO KILL YOUR GRANDCHILD, and put them back in school. And you have "no right" to be told any of this is taking place. And the school administration that you entrusted your precious daughter to is an active participant.

SURVIVORS is a Christian, pro-life activism organization dedicated to educating and activating high school and college age individuals.